The VISION Project is composed of activities and mechanisms designed to enhance the work of new ICT48 NoEs. Providing additional value to the European AI research community, industry, and society.
TDW – Theme Development Workshops
TDWs bring together researchers, industry representatives & other stakeholders and identify needs and match these to AI capabilities in Europe.
Joint Strategic Research Agenda (SRA)
The joint SRA complements the different Strategic Research Agendas that have already been published by AI4Media, ELISE, HUMANE-AI and TAILOR.
AIDA – Human-Centric AI Education Programme
Development of standardised AI curricula to support European educational offerings and educators in strengthening their students’ skills.
Community-Shared Best Practices in AI
Sharing best practices in form of deliverables to help NoEs to organise such events most effectively, mechanisms for industrial innovation and transfer of AI technologies.
AI Ecosystem Mapping
A tool that gives an overview of R&D&I activities on AI-related themes for finding organisations across Europe and beyond that work on specific AI themes, on the intersection with specific application domains.
Digital Europe and Collaboration with DIH
Collaboration models among ICT-48 NoEs and European/ Digital Innovation Hubs (E/DIHs) based on a survey.
European AI Trend Foresight Radar
The results of the events will be summarised by market analysis to provide a comprehensive overview of AI capabilities and challenges.
Innovation Management & Industrial Visibility
Overview of the innovation activities supporting the transfer from ICT-48 and AI-on-demand platform.
Enhancing European Strategic Research & Innovation AI Dialogue
High-level thematic panels and AI Open Days for well-balanced discussion.
Integrated Roadmapping
Working groups tackle challenges of NoEs. Updating each other and working towards a common high-level alignment of objectives.