International AI Doctoral Academy (AIDA)
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The four ICT-48 networks and the VISION consortium joined under the co-leadership of the VISION and AI4Media founded an initiative to support a world-level AI education and research programme. The International AI Doctoral Academy (AIDA) has been created to offer knowledge & expertise to attract PhD talents in Europe. The goal is a coordination of the PhD/postdoc AI education and training activities of AIDA partners. AIDA aims to become an international reference portal for any AI PhD student and researcher.
AIDA is currently in the process of formation, but already offering top-quality scientific lectures on several current AI topics, starting with AI Excellence live e-lecture series. Top highly-cited senior AI scientists and Young AI scientists with the promise of excellence will share their experience regularly within AI sprint lectures.
AIDA AI Excellence Lecture Series are accessible via this link
Professor Barry O’Sullivan
School of Computer Science & IT, University College Cork, Ireland
AI4Media Lead
Professor Ioannis Pitas
Artificial Intelligence and Information Analysis (AIIA) lab, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece