Consortium as a whole
The project consortium is composed of 9 partners that jointly contribute by their know-how, resources and experiences to fulfilling the main goals of the project. All partners have their own expertise, which is vital for the successful realisation of the project.

Project Coordinator
ULEI – Leiden University, Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science
ULEI is responsible for project management and coordination to ensure that the whole project consortium is working towards a feasible concept. ULEI is very well experienced with coordination of huge project and initiatives, such as CLAIRE: being currently the largest network of AI community in Europe. ULEI also leads activities of networking and community building to stimulate cooperation with actors of ICT48 networks and beyond. Further activities of ULEI are to building the VISION identity to become a well-recognised European AI brand.

CIIRC CTU – The Czech Institute of Informatics, Robotics, and Cybernetics, Czech Technical University in Prague
CIIRC CTU a successful holder of international projects, coordinator of the National Centre for Industry 4.0 and national initiative on AI. Moreover, CIIRC actively participates in the AI DIH initiative as one of the AI Digital Innovation Hubs (DIH). CIIRC leads the communication and dissemination activities and support for VISION.

DFKI – German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence GmbH
DFKI ranks among the most recognised “Centres of Excellence” and is the biggest research centre in the area of AI. It participates in dozens of national and international research and innovation projects. The industry provides direct support to the research in this field. DFKI leads activities ensuring academia-industry cooperation between researchers, industry representatives and other stakeholders.

FBK – Fondazione Bruno Kessler
The internationally recognised centre for AI is a core partner of the most important global EU initiatives in AI, incl. AI4EU and Humane AI. In VISION, FBK will focus on strengthening synergies between Excellence Centres via managing FSTP projects (WP3) and will focus on international outreach beyond the community in Europe.

INRIA – Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et Automatique
The public research organisation leads the national AI research ecosystem develops a culture of scientific innovation and stimulates creativity in digital research. INRIA will lead main activities connected to innovation management including novel ideas and technologies. It will also support the mobility and exchange programmes and enhance discussion on the R&I agenda between EU stakeholders.

Intellera Consulting Srl
Intellera Consulting Srl, former PwC Public Sector Srl, is a consulting firm that offers professional services of excellence to international and national institutions, administrations and companies. In VISION, Intellera is responsible for fostering the collaboration among DIHs and the Networks of AI Centers of Excellence, and it is in charge of the quality management and risk assessment of the project as a whole.

The coordinator of the first European on-demand Artificial Intelligence (AI) platform (AI4EU project), will lead tasks focused on cooperation between VISION and AI4EU. The special AI4EU Deployment Price will be held to encourage efficient connectivity between both networks. Moreover, Thales will lead in order to establish and operate the VISION management.

TNO – Nederlandse Organisatie voor toegepast-natuurwetenschappelijk Onderzoek
The Netherlands Organisation for applied scientific research (member of BDVA and AIOTI), will develop a joint vision and strategy among AI RIA networks and support collaboration in the community via connectivity programs (joint workshops, teleconferences with selected RIA networks).

UCC – University College Cork – National University of Ireland
Ranked in the top 2% of universities based on quality research and peer esteem indicators. UCC will create new AI training initiatives and curricula and provide research training in AI. To attract high-quality researchers, the Awards for young talents will be organised by UCC. UCC also leads societal impact activities of AI and focuses on diversity in AI tools and algorithms.