
The VISION Project

Grant agreement ID: 952070

Artificial intelligence (AI) is an area of strategic importance and a key driver of economic development, bringing solutions to many societal challenges ranging from treating diseases to minimising the environmental impact of farming. The EU is focussing on connecting and strengthening AI research centres across Europe and supporting the development of AI applications in key sectors.

Europe invests in the European model of human-centric AI, with a new set of European networks of AI excellence centres (NoEs). Since September 2020, four NoEs are working on aspects of trustworthy AI funded under the H2020-ICT-48-2020 call.

The VISION project brings these networks together to create a world-class AI ecosystem. To ensure Europe stays at the forefront of AI developments, the VISION project builds on Europe’s world-class community of researchers. VISION aims to reinforce, interconnect and mobilise Europe’s AI community, and to accelerate Europe’s transition to a world-leading position in the research, development and deployment of AI technologies.

The project also builds on the success and organisation of CLAIRE as well as of AI4EU, which was established to set up the first European Artificial Intelligence On-Demand Platform and Ecosystem.

Full titleValue and Impact through Synergy, Interaction & coOperation of Networks of AI Excellence Centres
Grant agreement ID952070
Field of ScienceNatural Sciences | Computer and Information Sciences | Artificial Intelligence
Duration1 September 2020 – 31 August 2024
Funded underH2020-EU.2.1.1 | ICT-48-2020 – Towards a vibrant European network of AI excellence centres
Funding schemeCSA – Coordination and support action
Overall budget€ 1 998 910
Coordinated byLeiden University (UNIVERSITEIT LEIDEN) | Netherlands

Project Workplan – List of Work Packages

WP:Title of the Work Package:Lead Participant:
WP1Project managementULEI
WP2Mobilizing the European AI communityULEI
WP3European AI Network of Excellence Centers: strengthening synergiesFBK
WP4Academia-Industry Joint AI ForcesDFKI
WP5Development of AI Skills and Education in EuropeUCC
WP6Communication and Dissemination SupportCIIRC