D3.1 Vademecum FSTP
Vademecum FSTP, is a deliverable of the Work Package 3 “European AI Network of Excellence Centers: strengthening synergies”, Task 1.3 “Support to FSTP projects”. It collects rules, principles, directions and procedures in order to offer logistic, administrative and legal support to Financial Support to Third Parties (FSTP) activities. The document is addressed to Vision Partners and Network of Excellence projects and aims at being a practical guideline containing comprehensive information for managing the whole process from the very first steps to the award, signature and implementation of the contract, following EU principles of openness and transparency.
It is important to underline that representatives from all the four AI Networks of Excellences were involved at various stages in the production of this deliverable. AI representatives were consulted through two conference calls first to understand their FSTP process and then to ask how VISION could support them, what activities would be the most useful for them and their community.
NoEs contact points were also involved in reviewing this document and providing feedback on its pre-final version. Names of the contributors are listed on the first page of this deliverable.
Finally, the organization FundingBox (https://fundingbox.com/) was involved both as ELISE NoEs representative and as representative for the AI4EU flagship initiative, as they manage FSTP for both projects. In this way, we ensured broader alignment with the AI on-demand platform initiative.