Invitation to the 4th AI Community Workshop – Online Participation

Join us for the 4th AI Community Workshop

We are happy to invite you to join online the 4th AI Community Workshop 2024 that will take place on 26 and 27 June 2024 in Thessaloniki, Greece.
This two-day event is co-organised by the European Networks of Excellence in AI, Data and Robotics. The first day is dedicated to the European AI NoE community while the second day is dedicated to AI and education.

26 June 2024: AI NoE Community Workshop

The workshop aims to foster collaborations within the community and explore ways forward to maximise the impact of NoE research in 2025 – and beyond. We will present the main achievements of the NoEs during the past four years, highlight collaboration opportunities within the European AI NoE Community, and discuss the future of AI research in Europe and its impact on society. Parallel sessions will cover interesting topics like generative AI, AI safety, AI fairness, interdisciplinary AI research, and more!

27 June 2024: AIDA Symposium “AI Education beyond Borders”

The International AI Doctoral Academy (AIDA) is one of the most important outcomes of the collaboration between the NoEs, providing an array of educational offerings, from high-quality AI courses to specialized resources, with the aim to empower the next generation of AI researchers and innovators in Europe and beyond. The symposium will offer interesting keynotes and panel discussions on AI education, training AI expertise for Europe, AI tools in education, and more!

The two-day event is a great opportunity to learn more about AI and connect with leading AI experts in Europe and beyond. It is open to a broad audience – do not miss the opportunity to register for online attendance and be part of the conversation!

  • More information about the event can be found here.
  • Registration for online attendance is available here.
  • Feel free to share this invitation with your contacts or spread the word on social media sharing our LinkedIn event!
Categorized as AI, Event