Meet the Community of AI NoEs, the Gold Sponsor at #ADRF23 in Versailles
AI, Data, Robotics Forum 2023:
Generative AI for European society and industry
8-9 November 2023, Inria HQ, Versailles
The European Networks of Excellence Centres in AI and Robotics will have their first joint booth – search for an unmistakable blue-coloured design in the “RENOIR” exhibition area at the ADR Forum | #ADRF23. VISION as coordinator and sponsor of this presentation is proud to announce that this makes the entire AI NoEs the Gold Partner of the ADRF 2023.
Join us on 8 and 9 November in the Inria Headquarters in Versailles and set a meeting with members of our community, especially – but not only – during the breaks:
8 November: 11:25-11:50, 13:30-14:15, 15:45-16:00
9 November: 10:15-10:45, 13:00-13:30, 15:00-15:30
ADRF23 Agenda: AI NoE Spotlight
On the ADRF23 Agenda, there are a few workshops and contributions that will be led by the VISION team members or the members of the entire AI NoE Community. Do not miss especially those related to the Strategic Research Agenda and Ecosystem Mapping.
- Day 2: 9 November 2023
09:00-10:15 - Official presentation of Adra SRIDA 2025-2027 | Fredrik Heintz, Linköping University, TAILOR Coordinator
- Mapping the EU AI ecosystem: a first view | Freek Bomhof, TNO, TAILOR/VISION
9 November 2023
Thursday | 10:45-12:15
Joachim de Greeff
| Senior Consultant, TNO
Claudio Lazo
| Digital Policy & Innovation Scientist, TNO
- Introduction to the topic, session and agenda
- A first step: Launching the AI-Robotics ecosystem mapping of the Networks of Excellence (Claudio Lazo, VISION)
- Adra-e: Cartography
- AI-on-demand platform
- Reflection by the European Commission
- Panel discussion: (Networks of Excellence, Adra-e, EC, AIoD):
- How to represent the R&I activities that happen across Europe?
- What should the scope of this mapping be? (research, industry, testing and experimentation, technical services, business services, …)?
- What should the organisation of the map be (e.g. community, ownership, decision-making, funding, development, updates, quality control…)?
- Defining next steps for a collaborative ecosystem mapping
VISION Workshop: Towards a Mapping the AI-Data-Robotics Ecosystem
Research, development and innovation in the field of AI takes place all across the European continent and beyond. However, an integrated overview of these activities – and especially the expertise – is lacking. Therefore, the EC has tasked VISION and several Networks of Excellence (AI4Media, ELISE, HumanE-AI-Net, TAILOR, ELSA and euROBIN) to start mapping the capabilities and competencies in the current AI ecosystem in Europe.
Together with representatives of each NoE, and advised by the EC, we developed a shared taxonomy of research topics and application areas, collected the data and developed a first version of an interactive website.
Now we need to consider how to move forward. While the current mapping resulted in a large amount of data, it is merely a subset of the entire ADR ecosystem. Moreover, other mapping activities (e.g. DIHs mapping, Adra-e) occur so it is advised to come together and reflect on potential synergies.
- Report on the AI ecosystem mapping, including lessons learned and recommendations
- Discuss the potential ways forward in relation to other activities in the cartography of Adra-e, the AI-on-demand platform and the entire AI-made-Europe ecosystem.
- Develop an action plan, and plan for an Adra topic group
Photo gallery
Photos: Benoit Fourrier (Inria) for ADRA, Eva Doležalová (CIIRC CTU)