VISION4AI Newsletter
| November 2023
We are happy to support the activities of our European AI Community, namely the European Networks of Excellence Centres in AI & Robotics (NoEs).
This newsletter brings you condensed information from NoEs (and beyond) towards the broader European AI Community.

Great news for the community of the European Networks of Excellence Centres in AI and Robotics. We will have our first joint booth designed in line with the AI NoE Common Visual Identity – at the exhibition area at the ADR Forum | #ADRF23. VISION as coordinator and sponsor of this presentation is proud to announce that this makes the entire AI NoEs the Gold Partner of the ADRF 2023.
Meet us on 8 and 9 November in the Inria Headquarters in Versailles and discuss with members of our community on the latest developments in AI & Robotics.
8-9 November 2023, Versailles, FR
#ADRF2023: AI, Data, Robotics Forum Generative AI for European society and industry as a premier annual event organised by Adra in collaboration with the EC will be held in Inria headquarters.
9 November 2023, Versailles, FR
Join the VISON Workshop at #ADRF23 on AI ecosystem mapping and dissuss the potential ways forward in relation to other activities in the cartography of Adra-e, the AI-on-demand platform and the entire AI-made-Europe ecosystem.
16 November 2023, Competition kick-off
TAILOR scientists are organising a computer challenge to promote the use of ML based surrogate models to solve physical problems, through a task addressing a CFD usecase related to airfoil modeling.
AIDA welcomes proposals for both senior and junior lecturers from both outside and within AIDA ranks.
If you want to propose such a lecturer, please fill in this FORM.
• 3D Computer Vision for Animals Dr. Silvia Zuffi
15 December 2023, 14:15 CET, online
• Learning to Predict a Graph with Surrogate Regression Methods Prof. Florence d’Alché-Buc
7 November 2023, 17:00 CET, online
13-14 November 2023, Bologna, IT
The AI-on-Demand Platform: Success Stories and Opportunities for European Industry and Society – this forum will present the plans of the ICT-49 cluster projects, in collaboration with the AI4Europe project, for the AI-on-Demand (AIoD).
The focus lies on connecting TAILOR and non-TAILOR labs: Researchers from a non-TAILOR lab are welcome to visiting a TAILOR lab and vice versa.
This world class pan-European PhD & Postdoc program will act as a reference point for PhD & Postdoc candidates in machine-learning driven fields in Europe and worldwide.
Browse through the available collecition of the Joint Strategic Research Agenda (SRA) of all six NoEs. Make use also of SRA developed by particular NoEs as well as by ADRA – on one spot.
The first AI & Robotics Open Call of the euROBIN project received 208 applications, out of which 8 valuable project will be supported with EUR 60 000 each. See more on the first year of euROBIN.
The euROBIN Robotics Hackathon 2023 Seville brought together several of the most advanced robots in Europe and they all demonstrated door-to-door parcel delivery with a heterogeneous robots team.
After the evaluation of hundreds of applications for the cascade funding received in the ELISE ‘s 2nd Open Call, the project grants funding to 16 SMEs to initiate micro-projects to develop novel services and applications of AI.
TAILOR set up a Networking Hub, a space dedicated to meetings and exchanges for the research community, at the conference venue at the 26th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence ECAI 2023, which was held in Krakow from 30 September to 4 October 2023.
AI4Media has brought together AI researchers and media companies in seven use cases aiming to demonstrate the use of Artificial Intelligence in the media industry, including aspects of human-centric, ethical, and trustworthy AI.
To understand what makes a successful industry-academic collaboration, ELISE interviewed several ongoing partnerships in the ELISE network to see how their work has been shaped and enriched by the collaboration.
Connect and Talk to the European AI Community on Mattermost
Mattermost communication platform is a result of the joint effort within the VISION project. The Mattermost installation has been established to provide an effective, moderated and functional communication tool for the facilitation of the cooperation, interactions and knowledge sharing between Europe’s AI networks of excellence (ICT48-NoEs), the AI research community, and other stakeholders across diverse areas of AI.
- AI4Media Newsletter – Get a comprehensive summary 2x per year
- ELISE News – You can also submit and share your news or even events!
- Humane-AI-Net News
- TAILOR Newsletter – Sign up and get a portion of this NoE’s regular updates at the end of each month
- AI-on-Demand Platform at– Contribute to the content through this Contribution GATEWAY simply through your EU Portal login!