VISION4AI Newsletter
| December 2023
We are happy to support the activities of our European AI Community, namely the European Networks of Excellence Centres in AI & Robotics (NoEs).
This newsletter brings you condensed information from NoEs (and beyond) towards the broader European AI Community.
The first version of European AI ecosystem mapping tool was presented publicly at the ADRA Forum 2023 in Versailles, in a plenary session and an in-depth workshop. An important feedback came from the workshop and the outcomes will be used to define next steps.
The European AI Media Observatory is a knowledge platform that monitors and curates relevant research on AI in media, provides expert perspectives on the potentials and challenges that AI poses for the media sector and allows stakeholders to easily get in touch with relevant experts in the field via our directory.
EU AI PhD Curriculum is ready! VISION together with AIDA are seeking AI NoE’s partners to join a launching online event. Read also about the design of the Curriculum in the VISION Deliverable.
VISION is encouraging the AI NoE community to provide feedback and inquiries on AI-on-Demand Platform (AoD) . We can help to disseminate your achievements on the Platform as needed. And did you know, that AI4Europe works on new inteface of the AoD? It will offer new features and user friendly interface.
18 December 2023 12:00-13:00 CET, online
The focus of the CLAIRE x EDIH AQuA session on sustainable AI is to explore the strategies employed by European Digital Innovation Hubs in addressing green deal issues.
11 December 2023, online
AI4Media will host the 2nd edition of “Junior Fellow Day 2023″. This event is dedicated to celebrate the remarkable work and achievements of the Junior Fellows who have played a significant role in AI4Media Junior Fellow Exchange Program.
AIDA welcomes proposals for both senior and junior lecturers from both outside and within AIDA ranks.
If you want to propose such a lecturer, please fill in this FORM.
- AI for Mental Health, Prof. Alessandro Vinciarelli
5 December 2023, 17:00 CET, online - Variational Audio-Visual Representation Learning, Dr. Xavier Alameda-Pineda
19 December 2023, 17:00 CET, online
euROBIN launches its 2nd Open Call for the Technology Exchange Programme to
select up to 12 companies of any size, research organisations and academia
research institutions.
Now open to researchers outside the ELISE/ELLIS network! The exchange of knowledge and ideas among the experienced researchers through visits and collaborative projects.
A dedicated mobility fund that supports long- and short-term visits in the network! It will act as a reference point for PhD & Postdoc candidates in machine-learning driven fields in Europe and worldwide.
Now open to all European AI researchers! Researchers from a non-TAILOR lab are welcome to visiting a TAILOR lab and vice versa.
Browse through the available collection of the Joint Strategic Research Agenda (SRA) of the NoEs. Make use also of SRA developed by particular NoEs as well as SRIDA by ADRA – on one spot.
AI4Media has brought together AI researchers and media companies in seven use cases aiming to demonstrate the use of Artificial Intelligence in the media industry, including aspects of human-centric, ethical, and trustworthy AI.
To understand what makes a successful industry-academic collaboration, ELISE interviewed several ongoing partnerships in the ELISE network to see how their work has been shaped and enriched by the collaboration.
- AI4Media Newsletter
- ELISE News – You can also submit and share your news!
- Humane-AI-Net News
- TAILOR Newsletter
- ELIAS Newsletter
- AI-on-Demand Platform at– Contribute to the content through this Contribution GATEWAY & your EU Portal login.
Connect and Talk to the European AI Community on Mattermost
Mattermost communication platform is a result of the joint effort within the VISION project. The Mattermost installation has been established to provide an effective, moderated and functional communication tool for the facilitation of the cooperation, interactions and knowledge sharing between Europe’s AI networks of excellence (ICT48-NoEs), the AI research community, and other stakeholders across diverse areas of AI.