CLAIRE x EDIH | Best Practices: Sustainable AI
18 December 2023, 12:00-13:00, online
CLAIRE All Questions Answered (AQuA) – a live streamed discussion. Ask your questions via YT chat. No registration is needed.
The focus of the CLAIRE x EDIH AQuA session on sustainable AI is to explore the strategies employed by European Digital Innovation Hubs in addressing green deal issues. This involves the incorporation of sustainability considerations into services designed to assist organisations and companies grappling with digital transformations.
In addition, the webinar will discuss the influence of AI, data, and robotics technologies on sustainability matters, emphasising their potential contribution to achieving sustainable development goals.
During the session, the panellists will impart insights into their experiences and share best practices related to integrating sustainability into the development and deployment processes of their services. This encompasses various aspects from policy to innovation workshops, during training or when providing access to test infrastructures and developing financial services.
This format of webinars will possibly continue during the course of the upcoming year as a CLAIRExEDIH series.
AQuA Panelists
There will be representatives of 5 EDIHs across the Europe on the panel:

Arjen Van de Walle

Ikram Chraibi Kaadoud

Andrea Lösch
DFKI | EDIH Saarland

Christian Wögerer
PROFACTOR | AI5production
What AQuAs are all about
Inspired by Turing Award winner Donald E. Knuth’s All Questions Answered lecture, CLAIRE All Questions Answered Events (AQuAs) are relaxed, 1 hour, online events that bring together a small group of panelists to discuss current hot topics in AI and beyond and answer questions from the community.
Usually held via Zoom Webinar for CLAIRE members and members of co-hosting organisations, the events are live streamed to the CLAIRE YouTube channel, allowing the community at large to get involved and be a part of the discussion.
Panels are generally made up of representatives of large European research organisations in the topic being focused on, as well as experts from both academia and industry.
Previous AQuAs have been focused on topics such as Humanoid Robotics and European Excellence in AI.
The previous AQuA with the involvement of European Networks of Excellence, in particular cooperation with TAILOR, AI4Media and VISION:
CLAIRE AQuA: “ChatGPT and Large Language Models”