VISION4AI Newsletter
| June 2022
ICT-48 News for the European AI Community
We are happy to support the activities of our European AI Community, especially the four ICT48 Networks of AI Excellence Centres.
This newsletter regularly brings you condensed information from ICT-48 towards the broader European AI Community.

Discover the AI4Media Roadmap on AI technologies and applications for the Media Industry. This Roadmap provides comprises 40 white papers of analyses, existing and future opportunities and challenges of the use of AI in different media sectors as well as AI risks for the society and economy and legal and ethical aspects. The analysis is complemented by short vignettes vividly showcasing the potential of AI for the media industry.
The ELISE Partner JKU Linz in collaboration with TÜV Austria has created the First commercial Certificate for AI-Systems (supervised ML). This work led to a joint publication, “Trusted Artificial Intelligence: Towards Certification of Machine Learning Applications”. It serves as the foundation for the certification of applications that use Machine Learning and Deep Learning, the techniques that drive the current revolution in Artificial Intelligence.
13-17 June 2022, Barcelona
19th EurAI Advanced Course on AI (ACAI) and 2nd TAILOR Summer School: “Explainable and Trustworthy AI”.
International researchers will teach advanced courses related to the state of the art in explainability in the different fields of AI, as well as the requirements to achieve a trustworthy AI, including transparency, diversity, robustness and privacy.
24 June 2022, Brussels
VISION AI Open Day: “AI & Society”
Venue: AI Experience Centre, VUB
With live demonstrations of AI research and a round-table with some of the main actors of the European AI community, come experience and interact with experts on the pressing topic of “AI and Society” in person.
Register for free via Eventbrite.
The event will introduce ICT-48 ecosystem to the general public.
AIDA AI Excellence Lecture Series:
7 June 2022, online
Probabilistic Logics to Neuro-Symbolic Artificial Intelligence by Prof. Luc De Raedt
21 June 2022, online
Robot Learning by Prof. Jan Peters
AIDA is very pleased to offer you high-quality scientific lectures on several current hot AI topics.
Lectures are typically held on Tuesdays 17:00-18:00 CET.
AIDA welcomes proposals for both senior and junior lecturers from both outside and within AIDA ranks.
Deadline: 15 July 2022
The connectivity fund is open to all European AI researchers – the focus lies on connecting TAILOR and non-TAILOR labs.
The call is open to researchers that:
- live in Europe and are active in AI trough publication record, or prove the involvement in AI research projects;
- are from a non-TAILOR lab and are interested in visiting a TAILOR lab, or
- are from a TAILOR lab and are interested in visiting a non-TAILOR lab, or
- would like to host a workshop to bring TAILOR and non-TAILOR researchers together.
See all conditions and examples of previously funded projects on the TAILOR website.
PhD Course:
Game-Theoretic Approach to Planning and Synthesis
4-8 July 2022
ICT-48 TAILOR, AIDA, and Sapienza Università di Roma invite all postgraduates to join this 20-hour / 1-week course.
Register HERE and join the course for free either online with ZOOM or on-site in Rome, Italy.
- Giuseppe De Giacomo,
- Antonio Di Stasio,
- Giuseppe Perelli,
- Shufang Zhu
Stakeholder Consultation:
Towards Policy Recommendations in the Field of AI and Media
29 June 2022
AI4Media is developing a set of policy recommendations to ensure that the European values of ethical and trustworthy AI are embedded in future AI deployments in the media sector.
Register HERE.
- Media professionals,
- Research and academia,
- Civil society & NGOs,
- Policy makers
- Session for Media stakeholders: 10h – 12h CEST
- Session for Civil society, NGOs, Academia: 13h – 15h CEST
- Session for Policy makers: 16h – 18h CEST
Online Crash Course on European High-Performance Computing for ML
24 June 2022, 10:00 am
An online course on the topic of European HPC for ML.
Learn about:
- What HPC options exist in Europe and benefits,
- How to choose the best HPC for a given project
- How to start using HPC and answer any questions from the audience.
Register HERE.
TDW IV: AI for Future Manufacturing
10 May 2022
The discussion hosted close to 80 key experts from 20 European countries, from both academia and the manufacturing sector. The discussion was opened by Prof. Wolfgang Wahlster, CEA DFKI and the co-inventor of the term “Industrie 4.0”, on the challenges that European industry and society had to face over the last decade, and outlook for upcoming years.
Read the follow-up article HERE.
1st Cross-cutting TDW: AI: Mitigating Bias & Disinformation
18 May 2022
More information will be released incl. the report.
Connect and Talk to the European AI Community on Mattermost
Mattermost communication platform is a result of the joint effort within the VISION project. The Mattermost installation has been established to provide an effective, moderated and functional communication tool for the facilitation of the cooperation, interactions and knowledge sharing between Europe’s AI networks of excellence (ICT48-NoEs), the AI research community, and other stakeholders across diverse areas of AI.
- AI4Media Newsletter – Get a comprehensive summary 2x per year
- ELISE News – You can also submit and share your news or even events!
- Humane-AI-Net News
- TAILOR Newsletter – Sign up and get a portion of this NoE’s regular updates at the end of each month
- AI4EU Platform – Contribute to the content through this Contribution GATEWAY simply through your EU Portal login!
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The VISION Communication Team is eager to share your news and updates related to our joint efforts within the European AI Community, namely the ICT-48 network – and beyond..
Please contact us at or directly:
VISION Communication Team
Eva Doležalová, CIIRC CTU