VISION4AI Newsletter
| Feb 2023
ICT-48 News for the European AI Community
We are happy to support the activities of our European AI Community, especially the four ICT48 Networks of AI Excellence Centres.
This newsletter brings you condensed information from ICT-48 (and beyond) towards the broader European AI Community.

CLAIRE AQuA: ChatGPT and Large Language Models
8 March 2023 | 16:00-17:00 CET
Join the CLAIRE All Questions Answered (AQuA) Series under the auspices of VISION, TAILOR and AI4Media and ask top experts any question on ChatGPT and Large Language Models (LLMs).
Join and discuss live on the CLAIRE YouTube Channel.
The TAILOR Handbook of Trustworthy AI
The TAILOR Handbook of Trustworthy AI is an encyclopaedia of the major scientific and technical terms related to Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence. It is intended as a starting point for anyone who need reliable and understandable information of key concepts related to Trustworthy AI.
VISION Brochure on Collaboration with (E)DIHs
VISION team published an overview of aspects of the collaboration between the Networks of AI Excellence Centres and (European) Digital Innovation Hubs – (E)DIHs in a clear form. Visit the VISION website or simply download the flyer.
Get new detailed reports that were developed under the leadership of the TAILOR Network and VISION organising teams as the results of the Theme Development Workshops on:
- AI for Future Manufacturing
- AI: Mitigating Bias & Disinformation
ELSA Open Call for Innovative Industry Projects
The best six SMEs/ Startups developing novel AI-based applications and services will be supported with up to 60,000 Euros.
Deadline for Applications: 31 May 2023, 13:00
Call for Collaborating with AI Experts Through Microprojects
Students, early career researchers, or senior scientists with a cool idea related to to empowering humans through AI are invited to work with top notch researchers and practioners in Europe.
Aligning AI research with media industry needs
AI4Media has brought together AI researchers and media companies in seven use cases aiming to demonstrate the use of Artificial Intelligence in the media industry, including aspects of human-centric, ethical, and trustworthy AI.
The white papers are part of AI4Media’s effort to align AI research with the industrial needs of media companies. They provide valuable insights from the media industry which are of great relevance for the research uptake by AI researchers and developers. The white papers also discuss how Trustworthy AI is perceived in the scope of each use case.
2nd ICT-48 Community Workshop: Towards a Shared European AI Map and Strategic Research Agenda
Representatives from VISION, TAILOR, HumanE-AI-Net, ELISE, AI4Media, ELSA, euROBIN, Adra-e and the European Commission spent a day discussing how to collaborate with each other, leverage on each other results and what a mapping the European AI ecosystem and a European AI Strategic Research Agenda could look like. Get the report HERE.
New Report on AI Topics Categorization
Read the outcome of the workshop on “A Roadmap for Trustworthy European AI” focusing the AI topics categorization including the feedback from the broader data & AI community (held at the EBDVF 2022 in Prague).
The TAILOR connectivity fund is open to all European AI young researchers, with a great idea to do excellent AI research and an invitation to spend time in another European lab. TAILOR supports both research visits and workshops. The focus lies on connecting TAILOR and non-TAILOR labs.
Deadlines any year:
15 March | 15 July | 15 November
ESSAI 2023 – European Summer School on Artificial Intelligence
24-28 July 2023
First European Summer School on Artificial Intelligence (ESSAI) and Twentieth Advanced Course on Artificial Intelligence (ACAI). Organized jointly as Third TAILOR Summer School on Artificial Intelligence, under the auspices of EurAI.
Venue: University of Ljubljana, Slovenia.
12-15 June 2023
ICMR2023 – ACM International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval 2023
Thessaloniki, Greece >> Call for papers – 31 Jan 2023
20-23 September 2023
MAD2023 workshop – 2nd ACM International Workshop on Multimedia AI against Disinformation
Thessaloniki, Greece >> Call for papers: 28 February 2023
20-23 September | Orleans
CBMI2023 – 20th International Conference on Content-based Multimedia Indexing 2023
ACM TOMM Special Issue on Realistic Synthetic Data: Generation, Learning, Evaluation – Deadline: 31 March 2023
Information Fusion Journal Special Issue on “Multimodal Fusion Technologies to counter Disinformation – Deadline: 30 August 2023
The 2nd International Conference on Hybrid Human-Artificial Intelligence in Munich, Germany
>> Call for Posters, Demos, Workshops, and Doctoral Colloquium papers
26 – 30 June 2023
HHAI2023 is the second international conference focusing on the study of AI systems that cooperate synergistically, proactively and purposefully with humans, amplifying instead of replacing human intelligence.
Symposium on “Interaction with Technologies for Human Augmentation”
20 February 2023
1-day symposium organized by LMU Munich discussing the latest advancements and research trends in human augmentation by key researchers around the world.
Theme Development Workshop: AI for Future Energy & Sustainability
23 February 2023
The projects TAILOR, HumanE AI Net, VISION and CLAIRE AISBL are organising a series of joint Theme Development Workshops (TDW) to bring together key players from specific industry sectors with key AI researchers, as well as additional stakeholders.
Connect and Talk to the European AI Community on Mattermost
Mattermost communication platform is a result of the joint effort within the VISION project. The Mattermost installation has been established to provide an effective, moderated and functional communication tool for the facilitation of the cooperation, interactions and knowledge sharing between Europe’s AI networks of excellence (ICT48-NoEs), the AI research community, and other stakeholders across diverse areas of AI.
- AI4Media Newsletter – Get a comprehensive summary 2x per year
- ELISE News – You can also submit and share your news or even events!
- Humane-AI-Net News
- TAILOR Newsletter – Sign up and get a portion of this NoE’s regular updates at the end of each month
- AI-on-Demand Platform at– Contribute to the content through this Contribution GATEWAY simply through your EU Portal login!
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The VISION Communication Team is eager to share your news and updates related to our joint efforts within the European AI Community, namely the ICT-48 network – and beyond..
Please contact us at or directly:
VISION Communication Team
Eva Doležalová, CIIRC CTU